Posted by: Leah | December 28, 2012

Early Happy New Year to You

I am one of the people who stopped making NY resolutions. Not that I have nothing to resolve, but I also like to be surprised. These past two years, I just said: life, please surprise me, then I sat down and watched things unfold. This does not make me less goal-oriented or determined to succeed. I just stopped defining success with numbers, but rather with moments I get to put in my memory box for each year, and 2012 was particularly generous to me. Thank you.

As I was going through ups and downs of 2012 (thankfully more ups then downs), I have learned-  if you are really busy, you stop caring. You are more – I don’t care,  just do what I want rather then I know where you are coming from, and why you behave like that. I don’t like the first at all.

I have learned the importance of being in the moment (still learning how to do that) and importance to step down to come back again.

I have learned that it sometimes takes a bit of courage to say hello, but then amazing things happen out of it.

I have also learned that being in touch is the hardest thing ever.

I would like to wish all my readers, including the ones, who never say anything (I would love to hear from you though) the very best for 2013. I hope we will all get surprised in 2013.

Love you now and always.

And You Say...
